Feb 23, 2005


I've been working on something kind of big. Now it's ready to go and I'm back to tell you about it. It's a Canadian Grime / Dubstep portal and web community called Riddim.ca. It has been pointed out that a site like this might be considered a cart-prior-to-horse proposition. Quite right. However, I'm hoping that the site can help things along a little bit - get people connected to each other and help spread the word. So please drop by and take part if you're so inclined. Below I've pasted the launch blurb I put up at Dissensus. 30 visitors and two signups in the first hour is pretty good, I figure.

This doesn't mean I won't be coming around here anymore though. In fact I've been having the urge to post again after my extended lapse. I'll be finishing up the Darkside epic and moving into some new things for the spring and summer.

--- posted at http://www.dissensus.com/showthread.php?t=883:

I'm happy to announce the launch of Riddim.ca - Canada's first Grime / Dubstep portal and web community.

On the site you'll find news, event listings, articles, interviews, reviews, audio downloads and other stuff. Of course, there's a discussion forum too. I decided to start the site after seeing how the Australian site Southern Steppa has become a locus for the down under cru. The purpose is to give Canadian Grime and Dubstep fans a place to meet, make connections and help each other build a larger scene.

To be honest, I'm a bit surprised with myself for having gone right ahead and done this. But I've become a big fan of the music and I figured I could put my server space and tech knowledge to use, and try to help the scene grow in North America. We'll see what happens. Hopefully, as more people get involved, the site will take on a life of its own.

Helping out from the get go is Dissensus regular / Ghetto Postage blogger / Riddim.ca Co-Admin Captain Easychord. I'm also very pleased to announce that Nick Gutterbreakz has agreed to lend his writing talents from time-to-time.

Canadian (and northern-state American) Grime and Dubstep fans:
Please drop in, become a member and help the scene grow. You will be able to post news, articles, review and take part in the discussion forums.

Riddim.ca will also be promoting events across the country. If you're having an event you can advertise it on the site and put a Riddim.ca logo on your flyers.

People in UK the scene:
Logan, Plasticman, appleblim and anyone else who's lurking here - If you'd like to use Riddim.ca to help promote your work or other artists in North America, please come by the site and get in touch.

Interviews would be great too.

Grime bloggers:
It's largely through you lot (Luka, Simon SD, WOEBOT, bliss, Fiddy, Blacksoundboy, .......) that many of us folks from foreign were first exposed to these sounds. It would be great if you stopped by from time to time. And if anyone's willing, I'd really like to interview some of you as well.

So, that's it. Please visit and start making it your own. Enjoy :)

Feb 16, 2005

Cheeky MPC

Listening to the shout outs on the Scientist show on the Rinse web stream just a moment ago I heard something like "Shout out to the MPC, from Canada...what Canada? ...[assorted mutters of confusion]" I nearly fell out of my seat. Made my day.

And if anyone still comes here and is wondering why I haven't been posting, it's partly because I'm working on something that will hopefully see the light of day in the very near future. Let's called it the Shoreditch Project for now. That plus school.

Feb 9, 2005

don't front

p2p is the new diggin in the crates.

get me.

Feb 4, 2005

Da Mayor

Ossie Davis 1917 - 2005
Respect in every aspect.

* * *

Ossie Davis - Eulogy of Malcolm X
Faith Temple Church Of God, February 27,1965

Here, at this final hour, in this quiet place, Harlem has come to bid farewell to one of its brightest hopes, extinguished now and gone from us forever. For Harlem is where he worked and where he struggled and fought. His home of homes where his heart was and where his people are. And it is, therefore, most fitting that we meet once again in Harlem to share these last moments with him. For Harlem has ever been gracious to those who loved her, have fought for her and have defended her honor even to the death.

It is not in the memory of man that this beleaguered, unfortunate but nonetheless proud community has found a braver, more gallant young champion than this Afro-American who lies before us, unconquered still. I say the word again, as he would want me to: Afro-American. Afro-American Malcolm, who was a master, was most meticulous in his use of words. Nobody knew better than he the power words have over the minds of men. Malcolm had stopped being a 'Negro' years ago. It had become too small, too puny, too weak a word for him. Malcolm was bigger than that. Malcolm had become an Afro-American and he wanted so desperately that we, that all his people, would become Afro-Americans, too.

There are those who will consider it their duty, as friends of the Negro people, to tell us to revile him, to flee even, from the presence of his memory, to save ourselves by writing him out of the history of our turbulent times. Many will ask what Harlem finds to honor in this stormy, controversial and bold young captain. And we will smile. Many will say turn away, away from this man, for he is not a man but a demon, a monster, a subverter and an enemy of the black man. And we will smile. They will say that he is of hate, a fanatic, a racist who can only bring evil to the cause for which you struggle! And we will answer and say to them: Did you ever talk to Brother Malcolm? Did you ever touch him, or have him smile at you? Did you ever really listen to him? Did he ever do a mean thing? Was he ever himself associated with violence or any public disturbance? For if you did you would know him. And if you knew him you would know why we must honor him:

Malcolm was our manhood, our living, black manhood! This was his meaning to his people. Consigning these mortal remains to earth, the common mother of all, secure in the knowledge that what we place in the ground is no more now a man but a seed which, after the winter of our discontent, will come forth again to meet us. And we will know him then for what he was and is. A prince. Our own black shining prince who didn't hesitate to die because he loved us so.